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Former Gov’t Scientist: GMOs A Silent Killer

gmo crops former government scientistFor much of two decades, soil biologist and molecular biologist Thierry Vrain worked for the Canadian government and defended genetically modified (GMO) crops to the public, telling them they were safe to plant and eat. Then he left his position, began having second thoughts — and changed his mind.

A former scientist with Canada’s version of the USDA (Agriculture Canada), Vrain is now one of the leading experts opposing genetically modified foods, and he’s this week’s guest on Off The Grid Radio.

GMOs, Vrain says, are silently making Americans and Canadians sick – all with the governments’ naïve support.

Vrain also explains:

–  Why the science truly is against GMO crops.

–  What he sees as the future of the GMO debate.

–  What led him to change his mind on GMOs.

Now retired, Vrain is free to speak his mind about the science of GMOs. If you care about the food you and your children eat, don’t miss this week’s episode.

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