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Reaping The Whirlwind

“They sow the wind, and reap the whirlwind. The stalk has no bud; It shall never produce meal. If it should produce, Aliens would swallow it up. Hosea 8:7

Paul tells us in Galatians chapter six that we reap what we sow. If we sow in the flesh, we will reap corruption, but if we sow in the spirit, we will reap everlasting life.

Many feel this verse in Hosea is expressing God’s displeasure with idol worshipping in Israel. This may be the case, but it seems to point to the teaching of reaping what you sow. When you sow in the winds of iniquity, you can be certain to reap the whirlwind of retribution, either immediately or when the season of our life on earth is over.

Some even take these verses to mean that the retribution you receive will be in kind to the evil you sow, leaving you to live with the consequences of an irresponsible lifestyle.

Sowing to the wind also leaves no fruit to harvest; the stalks are bare, there are no heads of grain. If something is produced it is quickly eaten up by strangers, rather than used for God’s kingdom.

Preppers can relate well to this passage. We are to avoid wasting our resources by sowing in the wind. When we lay up our stores for an uncertain future and we need to look at the reasons behind those stores. They are like seeds waiting to be planted. Have we stored up thistles and burdock or have we sown the kinds of things that will be useful in the harvest?




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