Off The Grid News

Crisis Cooling

“How To Make Absolutely Sure Your Meat, Milk And Medicines Stay Safe And Cool In Any Power Outage!”

It’s always better to be prepared
for a power outage rather than scrambling when the lights go out.

When the power goes out, it’s very important to have an “emergency cooling plan” in place.

THOMSON, Illinois — In the next few seconds I am (with your permission) going to send you a brand-new report titled…



Refrigeration Tips, Tricks And Secrets
For Keeping Your Food And Medicine Safe
And Cool In Any Power Outage!


Hi, my name is Bill Heid and I’m editor-at-large of one of the leading websites in the world for practical information on living and surviving in hard times (economic and otherwise). There are about 10,000 articles on living off-the-grid and becoming more self-reliant.

In a few minutes, I’ll tell you how you can get your hands on this brand new information… but first… let me reveal a small sample of the all the tips, tricks and secrets you will discover in it…


Overcrowded refrigerators are less efficient because the air circulation required for heat removal is inhibited.

Having a plan for your
children is a large
part of getting through
any power outage.

As soon as you read this report (it’s short and to the point), you will have all the knowledge and resources you need to ensure your food and medicine stay safe and cool in any power outage… and… save hundreds of dollars a year on refrigeration costs from now on!

This truly is insider information that every safety and energy-conscious American should have.

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