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Government-Mandated Kindergarten For Homeschoolers?

Government-Mandated Kindergarten For Homeschoolers?

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Homeschooling families could be forced to send children to kindergarten or teach kindergarten at home if a movement that is spreading across the country succeeds.

As of now only 15 states require kindergarten, but a growing number of officials in various states are pushing for it to be mandatory for all children, the Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) says.

“The march towards mandatory kindergarten around the country is becoming a stickier issue for homeschoolers,” HSLDA staff attorney Mike Donnelly wrote in an update on the organization’s website. “At its core, this is a dispute about our government’s role in the lives of families and children, and about who should be making decisions for those children. Parents — not government bureaucrats — are the ones who should decide when a child is ready for school and, frankly, what level of instruction the child ought to receive.”

Officials in some states have demanded that parents present proof that children had been taught kindergarten before authorizing homeschooling.

“The curriculum for California’s 5-year-olds is now aligned with the Common Core academic standards,” The Los Angeles Times editorial board noted in an Aug. 31 piece.

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In California, the teachers union is trying to get the state legislature to pass a mandatory kindergarten law.

“We see it as a first step toward lowering compulsory school attendance ages, which directly imposes state intrusions on homeschooling families,” Donnelly wrote.

Donnelly’s concerns are not hypothetical. For example:

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Contrary to popular belief, kindergarten is not required in most states. Only 15 states and the District of Columbia have mandatory kindergarten laws, according to the Education Commission of the States. Kindergarten is required in these states:

  1. Connecticut
  2. Arkansas
  3. Delaware
  4. Louisiana
  5. Maryland
  6. Nevada
  7. New Mexico
  8. Ohio
  9. Oklahoma
  10. Rhode Island
  11. South Carolina
  12. South Dakota
  13. West Virginia
  14. Virginia
  15. Tennessee

Although it is not mandatory in California, most children do attend kindergarten, The Los Angeles Times reported. A full 93 percent of five-years-olds in California go to kindergarten.

“As the Times points out, lowering and increasing the ages of compulsory attendance, mandatory kindergarten and the new battle over Common Core are part of a trend towards nationalizing and standardizing our public education,” Donnelly wrote. “These policies seem to be having increasing direct effects on our own communities. This means we should continue to resist these policies — not just because they have a negative impact on homeschoolers, but because they are bad for our whole country.”

Do you believe kindergarten should be mandatory? Share your thoughts in the section below:

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