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Gun Rights Wins: Facebook To Keep Pro-Gun Pages

facebook gun sales new policy
facebook gun sales new policy

Image source: Yahoo

Despite pressure from some gun control groups, Facebook says it won’t take down gun rights pages or restrict the listing of guns for sale.

As previously reported by Off The Grid News, groups such as Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense and Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence had urged Facebook and Instagram to crack down on pro-gun pages and gun listings – a push that led supporters of the Second Amendment to fear they soon would be banned from the popular sites. (Facebook owns Instagram.)

Facebook finally responded, saying it will encourage users to follow the law – but won’t make any dramatic changes. The National Rifle Association applauded the new policy, saying it is happy its users “will continue to have a platform” on the two sites.

“By taking both the First and Second Amendment rights of it users into account with its new policy, Facebook has shown respect not only for our constitutional freedoms but also for its millions of users,” the NRA said.

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The new Facebook police says:

The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence criticized Facebook for not going further.

“This new policy is not a victory because Facebook continues to make it too easy for dangerous people to evade a background check when buying guns,” said Daniel Gross, president of the Brady Campaign. “A mere warning to follow the law and community-based reporting will not do enough to prevent unchecked gun sales to dangerous people.”

The NRA said the Brady Campaign’s stance is “grounded in an obvious mistrust of (if not outright disdain for) the millions of ordinary people who populate the online universe.”

“Brady and [Mothers Demand Action] … are eager to stop gun sales anywhere and any way they can, so they pretend that violent criminals are buying guns off the Internet as if they were buying socks or books,” the NRA said. “What they don’t like to admit is that guns are lawful, constitutionally-protected products, and being able to discuss and depict them online is a matter of free speech.”

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