Off The Grid News

Oregon Lifts Ban On Pumping Your Own Gas (Sort Of)

Oregon Lifts Ban On Pumping Your Own Gas (Sort Of)

The state of Oregon has finally loosened restrictions that prohibited residents from pumping their own gas – even though it’s still illegal in most of the state.

Self-service gas stations became legal in 15 rural Oregon counties on Monday.

The new law, HB 2482, decriminalized gas pumping at any time in 15 counties with populations under 40,000, The Bulletin reported.

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Pumping your own gas is still banned for 90 percent of the population.

Some Oregon residents, though, didn’t take kindly to the new law.

“I don’t even know HOW to pump gas and I am 62, native Oregonian…..I say NO THANKS!” resident Sandy Franklin posted on Facebook.

The San Francisco Chronicle and Texas TV station KSAT 12 were among the many out-of-state media outlets making fun of some Oregonians’ fear of gas pumps.

“Many people are not capable of knowing how to pump gas and the hazards of not doing it correctly,” Tina Good wrote. “Besides, I don’t want to go to work smelling of gas when I get it on my hands or clothes.”

“I’ve lived in this state all my life and I REFUSE to pump my own gas,” Mike Perone wrote. “I had to do it once in California while visiting my brother and almost died doing it. This a service only qualified people should perform. I will literally park at the pump and wait until someone pumps my gas. I can’t even.”

New Jersey is the only other state where filling your gas tank is still a crime.

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