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Scrooge Lives: Congress Revives Christmas Tree Tax

christmas tree tax congressScrooge appears to be alive and well in Washington, DC, this Christmas season, with Congress again considering what is effectively a tax on Christmas trees.

The most outrageous part of this tax is that it packaged as an effort to help tree farmers, the Heritage Foundation reported. To make matters worse, Congress doesn’t even want to call it a tax.

Instead, it is hidden in the latest version of the trillion dollar farm bill and part of what is euphemistically labeled the Christmas Tree Promotion Board. The good news is that the Christmas tree tax isn’t law yet, so you won’t pay it when you go tree shopping this year. The bad news is that there is a strong possibility that you could pay this tax on next year’s Christmas tree.

The tax is only one provision to the farm bill currently winding its way through Congress. The bill contains everything from Food Stamps to funding for Broadband Internet access in rural areas.

Since the Christmas Tree Tax is simply one provision to the farm bill the only way President Obama could stop it is to veto the entire farm bill. The administration supported but then killed a similar tax in 2011 after the Heritage Foundation exposed it to the public.

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How Congress could tax Christmas trees

Here’s how Congress was able to put a tax on Christmas Trees in the new bill and sneak it past the media. We’ve thrown in a few outrageous facts about this tax as well.

There is one piece of good news here. Congress can still kill the Christmas tree tax when the Senate and the House negotiate a compromise between their versions of the farm bill. The final version will be sent to President Obama.

What else is wrong with the farm bill

Heritage Foundation experts Bakst and Rachel Sheffield found a number of other problems with the proposed farm bill. For instance, it combines food stamps with the farm bill. That makes it politically impossible for Congress to reform either food stamps or farm subsidies. Also, the bill does nothing to address controversial crop subsidies such as those for sugar farmers.

It looks like Congress is still more interested in expanding taxation than helping out the taxpayer.

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