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How To Make Writing Fun!

Most kids, and adults for that matter, find writing to be a major drag, even a chore. Getting your children to practice writing is probably like pulling teeth: torture for everyone. It doesn’t have to be that way, though. Many people take great joy in writing or find journaling to be a solace. You can instill a love in writing in your kids, especially if you start early.

Writing is a very important skill for your children to learn. Reading and writing make up the foundations of literacy. To be literate, you need to be able to write, and to be successful, you need to be able to write well. For obvious reasons, writing is important as a communication tool. To be able to express yourself in writing, you need to be able to write persuasively and clearly.

What is less obvious is that the actual act of putting pencil to paper is crucial to good brain development in young children. Contrary to what many people think, typing out words is not enough. Youngsters need to form letters, words, and sentences the old fashioned way in order to develop strong cognitive, or thinking, skills.

No matter what the ages of your children, you can take this very important academic and cognitive skill and turn it into a fun project. Make writing something your children love to do and watch them blossom.

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For the Youngest

For your very young children, even infants, writing begins with simply holding an implement and extends to scribbling. Although it may look like nonsense to you, those scribbles are the beginnings of writing. Children who are just beginning to write actual letters or who are mastering the basics of handwriting, there are several ways to make the exercise more fun.

For Older Writers

Once your child has gotten to the point of being able to write complete sentences on their own, you can try more complex writing activities. The ideas below are appropriate for different age levels and some of them can be modified for different abilities.

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