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10 (More) Survival Items You Can Buy At The Dollar Store

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10 (More) Survival Items You Can Buy At The Dollar Store

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While many people realize the benefits of always being prepared, they might avoid it because it can be costly to stock up. Fortunately, a dollar store can help.

Your local dollar store certainly won’t offer everything that you need for survival, but it does sell quite a few useful items that would cost $10, $15 or $20 elsewhere.

Here are 10 more survival items that you can buy at the dollar store:

1. Baking soda

The value of baking soda truly cannot be overstated. Whether it is a survival or a non-survival situation, baking soda can be sprinkled on a sponge and then used to wipe down vegetables and fruits (remember to rinse them off), added to a dishwater to clean the dishes, and applied to the skin to reduce odor.

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In addition, in a potential grid-down situation, baking soda will be a very valuable item, even for bartering. The next time you’re at your dollar store, don’t just buy one box of baking soda – buy several.

2. Baking tins

Baking tins, particularly those made out of steel, are the universal cooking tool of choice for many campers. There’s good reason for this. Smaller baking tins can be easily stored in most survival kits, and they can be used to grill or cook nearly any kind of food over a fire. Did we mention that you can pick up one – or even several — for a buck?

3. Batteries

Having a collection of assorted batteries is a necessary stockpile for a survival situation. How else are you going to power your flashlights, GPS devices or anything else that requires battery power? Dollar stores often have the best deals on them.

4. Duct tape

No stockpile of survival goods is complete without at least a few rolls of duct tape. Beyond its nearly infinite number of survival uses, duct tape also will be one of the most valuable items for bartering. You can use a roll of duct tape for repairing a tent, survival kit or fishing pole. And it can help you build a shelter, secure a splint in the event of a fracture or strap a knife to the end of a pole to make a spear.

5. Hand sanitizer

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The primary purpose for hand sanitizer in your bug-out bag isn’t so much for personal hygiene; rather, it’s to aid you in starting fires thanks to its alcohol content. Hand sanitizer is also yet another item that’s in abundance at most dollar stores.

6. Mesh laundry bag

Most dollar stores sell mesh laundry bags or similar products. A mesh laundry bag is a very lightweight and secure way to hold gear and equipment within your survival kit, or to clean your pots and pans.

7. Paracord

Paracord is excellent cordage that fills a variety of survival uses, especially if it’s a kind that you can break down into thinner strands. Not all dollar stores offer the same kind of paracord that you would expect to find at a sporting goods store, but many do.

8. Plastic buckets

Plastic buckets are a survival tool that often overlooked, but still brings much to the table. A bucket can be used as a livestock feeder, to store foods such as flour or rice or to hold water and clean dishes.

9 Rubbing alcohol

Even without dollar stores, rubbing alcohol is one of the cheapest ways to prepare yourself for a medical emergency in a survival situation, and obviously dollar stores only make it more cheap.  Rubbing alcohol is excellent for sterilizing medical tools or for use as an antiseptic on open wounds.

10. Sunscreen

Keeping yourself protected from the rays of the sun is important, no matter the season. Yes, there are natural sources you can use as sunscreen, but it will be easier in a disaster to use the normal sunscreen lotions.

What would you add to this list? Share your suggestions in the section below:

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