Off The Grid News

4 Overlooked Crises You’re Probably Not Prepared For … But Should Be

4 Overlooked Crises You’re Probably Not Prepared For … But Should Be

Image source: Wikimedia

It seems that preparedness is like fashion. At any point in time, there’s one disaster that seems to be in the spotlight more than others. I would say the “disaster of the moment” is the fear of an EMP, but others are not far behind.

An economic collapse, major natural disaster, terrorist attack – all of these are feared by the vast majority of those in the preparedness community, who go to great lengths to prepare.

But there are other disasters that they should be thinking about. In fact, the number of unique disasters and critical events that could affect us in this day and age are around 100, by my count. In this article, let’s examine the ones that are often ignored. No, I’m not talking about zombies and asteroids. Bear with me, and you’ll see that preparing for them won’t change your survival plans that much — and it won’t break the bank, either.

1. Electric shocks

When a hurricane or strong winds knock down the power lines and either you or a family member accidentally touches them, what should be done?

Before you help someone, you have to make sure you’re not in danger of getting in contact with electricity yourself. At high voltages, electric current will travel through air and shock you.

(As a side note, I say “shock” and not “electrocute” because electrocution is actually the death resulting from an electric shock.)

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The first thing you should do is break contact between the person and the power line. Use a pole or something similar made out of non-conductive material such as wood or plastic. Note that you can’t use gloves or a cloth, as the current will go right inside you.

The second step is to either give first aid or call an ambulance. If you don’t know how to give first aid, you should call 911 immediately.

2. Job loss

Why on earth would anyone list a job loss as a crisis? Because this is something that can affect anyone, and it could take months before you find another one. And most Americans already are living paycheck to paycheck. What will you and your children eat in the meantime? Why, your stockpile, of course! Enough said.

3. Death

It surprises me how many people don’t prepare for the actual and very unpleasant event of them dying. Granted, we don’t talk about death much, and we’re optimistic by nature … but there’s a question you need to ask yourself:

What will your family do without you?

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Some of the things you can do just in case it happens include:

4. Pickpocketing/robbery

Be honest with me, here: Are you really looking out for thieves when you’re in a crowd – or are you looking at your phone? If you’re not looking out for the bad guys, then you definitely need to work on your awareness, because no matter how careful you are, they’ll always find a way to steal your wallet.

It only happened to me once. I actually felt the guy trying to reach for my wallet inside my messenger bag. He was really smooth, I’ll tell you that.

What would you add to our list? Share your tips in the section below:

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