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Your Bug-Out Bag Won’t Save You — But There’s An Easy Fix

bugout bag [1]It seems like everyone is talking bug-out bags [2] these days. You can find countless articles online which talk about what you should include in a well-stocked bug-out bag, as well as a number of companies who are offering already filled bug-out bags for sale. These range anywhere from the most basic of bags, with not much more than food, water and a first-aid kit, to elaborate bug-out bags which contain an excellent assortment of quality survival equipment.

The truth of the matter is that there is no one perfect bug-out bag. Having a bag full of equipment you don’t know how to use isn’t going to do a thing to protect your life. A lot depends upon how much knowledge you have to go with that bug-out bag and a lot depends upon where you are going to bug-out to.

Most bug-out bags share one common fault; they’re designed to help you survive three days, nothing more. That means that on the fourth day, when your supplies start running out, you’re going to start going hungry.

Considering that most bug-out situations last more than three days, the whole concept of a bug-out bag [3] is rather limited. It might get you to the next city down the road, but that’s about it. If you are going to have to live off of what you’re carrying, you’re going to need more than that bug-out bag can provide. In addition to the survival equipment that the bag probably has, you’re going to need more food, water, clothing and other supplies.

What if you could take more with you? How would that make a difference? What if you weren’t limited by the space in your backpack? What should you take along then?

The pack for anybody who wants to be fully prepared for an unexpected emergency [4]

Many people intend to bug-out in their car, truck or SUV. If that’s your plan, then you might want to consider taking full advantage of that vehicle, especially the storage space that it provides. While there’s a pretty good chance that you may have to abandon your vehicle along the way, you might also be able to take it all the way to your destination, especially if you manage to beat the rush and bug out before everyone else does.

So, if you’re going to fill up all that extra space, what should you take with you?

All of this extra equipment should be packed in duffle bags or other easy-to-grab and carry bags. While you will probably have to abandon them if you leave your car, you might be close enough to your final destination that you can carry them or return for them. If so, you want them to be easy to carry. Watch out for weight, as heavy equipment and bags are more likely to be left behind.

Another option to consider is making yourself some sort of wheeled carrier to carry these bags with. While a hand truck might be a little bit inconvenient over rough ground, something similar, with larger wheels might work out quite well. When I was a kid, my dad built a “burro” with a bicycle wheel and aluminum tubing. He would take it hunting with him, so that he could carry out any deer that he killed. The one wheeled burro would support the weight of the deer and handles on both ends allowed two men to guide it along, much like carrying a stretcher. It even had a caliper brake to keep it from getting out of control on the downhill slope.

Regardless of what else you take with you, it’s important that your bug-out bag remain your bug-out bag. If that’s all you can grab, you want to make sure it’s as complete as possible. The rest of this is additional equipment, not a larger bug-out bag. If you have to abandon your vehicle along the way, your bug-out bag may be all that you can take with you. In either case, you want to make sure that your bug-out bag is as complete as possible.

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