Off The Grid News

Gardening Through A Drought

For a homesteader, gardening is a crucial element of living off the land. If you grow your own food, a drought can be a scary and trying time. However, droughts are a fact of life, and depending on where you live, may be a fairly regular occurrence. That’s why the best way to garden through a drought is to plan ahead. Water is, and always will be, a limited resource. There is only so much water to go around on this planet, and you need to use yours wisely. With proper planning, especially in drought-prone areas, you can minimize the possible losses that a drought can cause. Even with good preparation, there are steps you need to take during a drought, like using your water efficiently that will mean the difference between saving and losing all of your garden.

New Natural Fertilizer Doubles Garden Production!

It’s designed to help anyone (beginner or expert), cultivate a highly productive crisis garden.

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