Off The Grid News

Useful Weeds In The Garden

Weeding is one of the most tedious chores in the garden, especially if you are pulling them by hand, one at a time. It means spending hours kneeling or crouching, bent over your garden, and it leaves you with stiff, sore muscles and an aching back. What if you found out that weeds might actually benefit your garden? It’s true! There are useful weeds that you should leave alone. Don’t break your back pulling out these beneficial plants.

Don’t Eradicate Your Weeds – Manage Them

Many of us learn that weeds are bad when it comes to gardening and that complete eradication is ideal. Some people attempt to achieve a total wipeout using herbicides, while those more organically inclined just get down in the dirt and pull them out. While you certainly don’t want weeds overrunning your garden and choking the life out of your other plants, there is no need to get rid of all of them. Instead of eradicating weeds from your garden, try a plan of management. At a low density, weeds can provide several benefits for your garden.

The Most Unusual Substance On The Planet With Hundreds of Self-reliance and Survival Uses…

What Weeds Can Do For You

You Can Eat Them Too!

If the above reasons are not enough for you to want to keep your weeds around in the garden, consider the fact that many of them are edible, tasty, and nutritious. You have a food source out there that you didn’t even have to work at to get.

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