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Your Number One Survival Need

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[1]There are few things in survival that are more important than water.  The body can survive without food for a few days, but it cannot go for more than a few hours without hydration.  The availability of water can make or break you, as this is something that will determine how you operate and just how long you can last.  Of course, in the wilderness, water is more available if you know where to look.  But evacuation may not be an option, which means that you have to hunker down near a water source.

What Is the Water Rule?

The water rule is do not hold up in a place that is either more than a twenty minute walk or has the potential of being cutoff from a fresh water source.

Adherence to this rule is vital to your survival, as the absence of water can change your situation drastically.  You have to hunker down near a fresh water source that cannot be contaminated, because this will ensure that you can outlast whatever catastrophe occurs.  A water source that does not have these attributes will eventually fail you.

Urban Water Sources

There are not many places in an urban environment that will remain uncontaminated.  You do have to be well aware of diseases and microbes, especially when having to do with your water supply.

Where Not to Drink

Here are a few places that you will want to avoid at all costs.  Drinking from here, even if you’ve boiled and purified it, could cost you your life and a painful death.

The Essential Survival Secrets of The Most Vigilant… Most Skilled… And Most Savvy Survivalists in the World! [2]

Hygiene and Water

The availability of water [3] is not only crucial for hydration and cooking, but it is also crucial for hygiene.  One of the major reasons why disease would run rampant in a city when the water shuts off is because people cannot clean themselves effectively.  Regular bathing is crucial to avoid disease, especially the painful skin ones.  Water can easily wash off dirt, grime, and sweat, which are harbors for disease.  Clean washing water is crucial to keeping healthy.

Also, it is vital to designate a water source or storage facility that is at least twenty yards from your designated latrine for obvious reasons.

Source of Life, Source of Food

The most optimal place to find your water is by hunkering down near a fast moving stream, (that has a long history of never going dry) a river, or fresh lake.  Another one of the best reasons for that is because fish is an excellent source of calories, and fishing is something you can do while performing other tasks.  These water sources are excellent for survival and will keep you alive.

If you cannot settle here, then be sure to find a spring or a non-contaminated well.  Simply check the surroundings of the well to be sure that it cannot be contaminated in the future.  If that is not possible in your location, you must move to survive.  Your water stores [4] will only last so long.

Water Wars

Ancient kings used to have a grasp on just how crucial water supply happened to be.  An efficient general would lay siege to a city, but before they made their final approach on the gates, their army would dam up the city’s water source. Without the water, they could not drink, bathe, or even hydrate their livestock, which was their food source.  Pretty soon every man, woman, child, and animal was dropping dead from dehydration.  Within days, the people on the inside would be begging their own king to allow the aggressors within the walls to end the suffering.

If kings understood how vital water was back then, imagine the tactics they can use today.  Find a water source that is not subject to those kinds of tactics.

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