Off The Grid News

Beneficial Birds

Purple martin

Many species of birds have been on the decline in the U.S. for several years. Reasons for the population decline include loss of habitat, pesticides and herbicides, and feral cats, among others. There are ways in which you can attract birds to your homestead and your garden, not only to help bird populations rebound, but also to improve the state of your garden. Many types of birds are beneficial to have around for more than just the enjoyment of their songs.

Birds Belong in Your Garden

There are many reasons why you should be interested in attracting birds to your garden, yard, and homestead. Birds are a natural and vital part of nearly every ecosystem on earth. As with any other part of the local environment, when birds disappear, other elements of the ecosystem suffer and begin to fall apart. Here are some other reasons you need to draw birds in and make sure they are a part of your life:

Full-color Illustrations Accompany Easy-to-use Field Guide For Beginning Birders and Experienced Naturalists Alike.…

Some of the Best Birds to Bring to Your Yard

Any native bird is a boon to your garden, but some are especially beneficial.

General Techniques for Attracting Birds

Aside from the specific bird species that you may want in your garden, there are many general ways in which to ensure birds will flock to and enhance your property. You need to have a variety of plants that birds like for their food and shelter, as well as a range of homes for birds. Conifers are important trees for birds. Many different birds eat the berries, seeds, buds, and sap from conifer trees. They also provide year-round cover and nesting sites.

Grasses and legumes are important for ground-nesting birds. If you keep some areas of your property natural and do not mow it, you are providing an important habitat for creating nests, for protection, and for food. Birds use tall grasses to hide and to reproduce. They also eat the seeds. Keep leaf litter in this natural area in the fall, and insects will grow there. Birds will follow.

Flowering and fruiting plants provide and important food source for certain birds such as hummingbirds and orioles. Coral bells, red yucca, scarlet sage, and trumpet creeper are just a few examples of plants that draw in nectar-eating hummingbirds. Plants that produce berries in the summer like serviceberry, blueberry, blackberry, chokecherry, and elderberry attract birds like robins, catbirds, thrushes, woodpeckers, waxwings, cardinals, and brown thrashers. Those that make fall berries, including dogwoods, cotoneasters, winterberries, and mountain ash, attract migratory birds.

Natural sources of food are essential to hosting a health bird population, but if you hope to enjoy the sight of birds in your yard, consider also providing feeders. Having feeders near your home draws the birds in so that you can enjoy the view from inside. For a variety of birds, put out a variety of feeders. Use hoppers, tubes, and trays. Provide different types of seeds as well as suet to get all kinds of birds. You should be most vigilant about providing feed in the winter when birds need it most. Keep your feeders full, and you can enjoy birds all winter long.

Places to live are as important as food. A variety of trees are an excellent way to entice birds to your property, but you can enhance these natural homes with artificial ones. Large houses with several openings on a tall pole will attract purple martins and other swallows. Smaller birdhouses will attract bluebirds and other small songbirds. If you have a barn, you will entice owls and barn swallows to take up residence.

When you take the time to consider what native birds in your environment need, you will be rewarded with the sights and sounds as well as the beneficial behaviors of a variety of species on your property.

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