Off The Grid News

Entrepreneurship And Homeschooling

It’s not as unusual a combination as you may think. What better way to teach your children valuable and relevant lessons than to encourage their entrepreneurial spirits? From a lemonade stand on the corner that loses money to a thriving Internet business, you and your kids can create business plans, models, and learn real lessons about math, economics, and social science by starting a family business.

The economy that we have faced here in the United States in the last few years has been pretty dismal. With record unemployment levels, lay offs, jobs being shipped overseas, high gas prices, and huge numbers of home foreclosures, many Americans have found themselves in desperate situations. Even people who have been able to ride out the economic turmoil without tragic losses have probably had to cut back on expenses.

Others have found themselves getting creative to deal with a lost job and income. More and more people are taking risks on starting businesses because they have nothing left to lose. Our economic landscape is changing and people are moving away from spending thirty years at one company. Many move from job to job or end up working on a contract basis. There is no reason why kids, teens, and homeschooling families can’t get in on this trend. The entrepreneurial spirit can strike anywhere, and there is no better time to delve into starting a business.

Be encouraged by what God’s Word says about the discipleship and training of the next generation…

The Novocins

The Novocins of Delaware are just such a family. This homeschooling family has created a successful and thriving online business. The Novocins created their business fourteen years ago, but in the last two years, it has really taken off and provided them with a generous income. Their company is called Estate Auctions, Inc., and they use eBay to list and sell antiques and collectibles for their customers. From their home computer and storage shed, they generate a six-figure income.

The business is a family affair. Mr. Novocin goes to auctions and consigns items from customers, Mrs. Novocin delivers the products, and their teenage sons run the home office and photograph the antiques for their eBay listings. They accomplish all of this while homeschooling the boys. The flexibility of a homeschooling environment allows them to make a living at home and as a family while also giving their sons a great learning opportunity.

How to Get into the Business of Business

Starting a family business could be a small, low-cost venture, or you may have an idea that requires investment, funding, and employees. Either way, there are several things to keep in mind before you tackle this project. And remember, even if the business is not successful, your kids will still learn valuable lessons about what to do and what not to do.

When you get into a small family business, the opportunities are limitless. Besides giving your children a valuable education, you could be opening the door for a rewarding career, significant income, or just some extra disposable income. If the idea of running a business is a little scary for you, start small. There is nothing wrong with trying the traditional lemonade stand and, although it is small, it still affords you the chance to teach your children business lessons.

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