Whether you have a huge farm or a little homestead, a hundred head of cattle or a single goat for your family’s milk source, the Udderly EZ Milker is a must have. Milking is tough on the hands, and if you don’t have the feel for it, you can get frustrated and aggravate the animals as well. The Udderly EZ Milker makes it easy to milk any type of livestock, and there are varieties for goats, cows, and even sheep and horses. You may ask why you’d need a milking machine for sheep and horses. There are two reasons: the first is in order to obtain milk from an animal in production to feed orphan animals from another mother, and two, to hand-raise babies from a mother that you milk to feed them so they are tamer.
I have saved numerous foals with the help of the Udderly EZ Milker for horses, and also use it to extract a little milk in the last days prior to foaling to tell when the milk changes consistency (which is a good cue to when a mare will drop her foal). When it comes to testing mares in late pregnancy, or milking a mare to feed an orphan, you are going to need the help of this little device. Horses are not at all accustomed to the milking routine, and they do not appreciate it. The Udderly EZ Milker lets you get in there, and get it done quick, and without much fuss from the mare. Best of all, your head, hands, and other body parts are not in such a vulnerable position as they are when milking by hand.
One reason for milking sheep is that, while sheep’s milk isn’t the most commonly found type of milk, it does make delicious cheese, and can be used for baking and even drinking in a pinch. Goats and cows are the most common milk producing animals worldwide, and most commercial farms use big, heavy, expensive electrically-run machines to milk them twice a day, but the Udderly EZ Milker is a small, hand-held device that runs on suction power, with no electrical outlets required, so you can remain independent of the expense and control of the grid.
If you have ever experienced a problem with carpal tunnel, the last thing you need to do is milk even a single animal twice a day. You will feel it fast, and the pain will only get worse. Using the Udderly EZ Milker alleviates all of the problems those who suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome might have from milking.
You can also care for animals with mastitis with the Udderly EZ Milker, and when you use the device to milk your herd for your own use, it keeps the milk pristine clean because the container that catches the milk is directly connected to the suction device and the milk is never in the open air, or exposed to dirt, hair and other debris that may fall from the belly of the animal, or get kicked in by a stray hoof.
The Udderly EZ Milker is available from many homesteading sources, or directly from UdderlyEZ.com The Udderly EZ Milker comes complete with the suction tube, pumping handle, and a couple of plastic containers that hold the milk, and have caps so you can store milk in the containers as well.