The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) is working to ban defamation of Islam, especially speech that links Islam or Islamists to terrorism. The part of Obama’s speech before the UN where he said, “The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam,” seems to be coming to fruition. It’s the rest of it that’s being ignored (“those who condemn that slander must also condemn the hate we see when the image of Jesus Christ is desecrated, churches are destroyed, or the Holocaust is denied”), which includes the envoys this administration sends to these ridiculous meetings.
Originally, a top US State Department official, Anne Casper, US Consul General in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, was scheduled to attend the November 2012 meeting, but that was scrubbed after the outcry from concerned citizens.
The OIC intends to use the United Nations and international law to criminalize what they consider defamation against Islam, which, according to their roadmap, includes the free speech rights of any others who would dare denigrate the symbols and personalities of Islam.
What tactics might be used here in the United States to promote this religious “tolerance”? According the Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in her speech before this same body in July 2011, the US would use antidiscrimination laws and “old-fashioned techniques of peer pressure and shaming” to advance the Islamic cause.
According to the OIC, there has been an “alarming increase in intolerance and discrimination against Muslims,” especially by western nations (read, the United States), “with a succession of steps taken… indicating institutionalization and constitutionalization of Islamophobia.”
Oh that pesky Constitution, which allows ALL men the right to freedom of speech. When Islam quits killing people over differences of faith, when Islam quits mutilating its women, when Islam decides to live in peace with its neighbors, then maybe the west will quit looking at it as the existential threat that it is. Perhaps if these overly-sensitive Islamic countries would bring themselves out of the Dark Ages and into civilized society, this “dire threat” that freedom brings to Islam would not be so feared.
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