Off The Grid News

Letter To The Editor

Lessons From Hurricanes And Ice Storms

When I was 18, I went through Hurricane Camille. Being in a rural area we were out of power and running water for about three weeks.

When hurricane Katrina hit, I had to go rescue family members in the devastation.

In the mountainous region of the Ozarks after an ice storm, I was again out of power and running water for about three weeks.

My observation was in each area, the people reacted differently. The more populated the area, the more people seem to panic. Choose your retreat wisely. What is the mind-set of the people in that area? Another observation: I know of a southern swamp that I loved to canoe. Once you got there, you likely would not see another human. A few years passed and I returned to my beloved pristine swamp. Me and my son camped out, anticipating the opening of squirrel season the next morning. All night we heard vehicles and motor boats. The next morning at daybreak we discovered we had awoken in a city. People from a city and elsewhere had arrived. We even found a dead snake we half-heartedly joked had been trampled to death.

The point: That bug-out location you may have in mind may not be what you think it will be.


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