Off The Grid News

Letters To The Editor

More Survival Skills Your Great-Grandparents Knew

To read the story referenced, “10 Survival Skills Your Great-Grandparents Knew (That Most Of Us Have Forgotten),” click here.

I like the idea of victory gardens. Every time I drive around my neighborhood I see all of these yards of just grass that could grow food. Also, everyone should learn to make or purchase a non-electric water distiller to enable you to make any kind of water drinkable.



How about navigational skills? Pretty sure your GPS isn’t going to work.



What about cooking – things like churning butter, making pies, cakes, bread from scratch, plus having to cook in a fireplace or a Dutch oven with no power or microwave? After Katrina hit and we had no power for weeks we were OK because I have a lot of these cooking skills and we were not one of the people on my block who had to visit the restaurants or friends that had power just to eat.


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