Off The Grid News

Letters To The Editor

August 24, 2015

To read the story referenced, “Should You Refrigerate Eggs? (The Answer May Surprise You),” click here.

I have four chickens, and we live in Phoenix area (110 degrees in summer) in a single family home in the city, and keep out chickens on one side of the house, except to let them free range in the morning or weekends. We gather the egg(s) and date them with a crayon. We keep them on a kitchen counter in a basket, until we get about 10 eggs (about a week), and then put in fridge. If they are dirty, we will wipe off with a paper towel, but not wash. If cooking eggs by breaking we use the newest ones first, and like to use the ones more than 10 days old for hard boiled eggs, as they peel easier. If the eggs are too fresh, they tend to be hard to peel. We have had our chickens going on four years, and have never had any problems, with bad eggs. Even those which have cracks or a small pecking hole (but without membrane broken). We do wash the eggs just prior to using. I personally think most in America have become too clean oriented, and no wonder have very low resistance to various germs.



I have had chickens and ducks for 30 years. They are free ranged, get grain, kitchen scraps, and all the bugs they can find. We collect the eggs and lock the flock up at night.
I nor my family have ever gotten sick from my unrefrigerated, unwashed eggs, sometimes uncooked for eggnog or ice cream. I have been experimenting to see how old they can get. Last week we made ice cream with our four-month old duck eggs. We are all fine and healthy. None of the eggs looked or smelled funny, nice orange plump yoke and thick held together whites! I am waiting to open an old egg to see the whites run thinly like a store-bought egg! Perhaps mine last so long because I have roosters and drakes so the eggs are fertilized and are in stasis?



As a two-time hurricane survivor, know that the cellphone towers use backup generators when the electricity goes out. When the fuel for these towers runs out, so does the signal. Also, the wireless systems become overloaded and crash. Again, no internet / phone.




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