Off The Grid News

Letters To The Editor

Readers Outraged Over States Seizing Children

Regarding: Hospital Seizes Another Child Because Mom Disagreed With Doctors

The Child Protective Services is broken. Children who are receiving love, care and an education are being yanked from homes and the kids who really need the help are being left behind and lost.



Did other Drs simply amputate Isaiah’s leg for no reason. His Mom was searching for help. But doctors do not like to be questioned or challenged.

This should scare every parent in the US. Searching for the best care for your child should not be a crime.



Once again Doctors on a power trip. From everything I have read this is a young man with a very serious, well documented illness. This mother only wants the best for her son as would any other normal parent. Unfortunately when Doctors and hospitals are challenged they lodge false allegations against parents. If you research cases like Justina Pelletier in Mass/ Conn, the Diegel sisters in AZ, Isaiah’s case you will see a pattern that should scare every parent out there.


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