Off The Grid News

letters to the editor

Vacationing Off-Grid & Living Off-Grid Are VERY Different

Thank you for such an honest article. We tried this just before the downturn. Sold it all and moved North, having already been “vacationing” in the area for 17 years and had the land and home paid for. We tried so hard. Vacationing and living the life are far different. One neighbor told us you have to love the outdoors to live here. Another said you will be back to the city before the end of summer. These were neighbors we had known for a long time, but I guess they knew us better than we knew ourselves!

The aloneness was probably the hardest thing to get through. We had two visits; both kids came up for one night each. Most was great and the planning we put into it for one year before was priceless. The talking and reading, running the numbers, stocking the pantry, budgeting the trips to the big city for needed items. This was before Amazon would deliver anywhere; we actually mention that to each other now “if only this was available when we were north.” There was no cell service or Internet out there, either. OK, those were features that are not essential to life, but at the time it seemed we needed them. We were 44 at the time. Maybe starting in our 20s would have been better, then we would not have been so set in our ways.

In the end I am glad we did this. We also know now what we could have done different and we sometimes wonder if we should have stuck it out. The experience was worth everything. I do not look at it as a failure as some would. I say: How many get the chance to go watch the river flow in life? Those that can I applaud and respect.


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