Off The Grid News

Letters To The Editor

Readers Respond: Is Prepping Biblical?

I never thought in all my years that prepping would be considered unfaithful. All my life as a simple man we always had to get prepared for the winter months. Firewood, canning our garden food, and butchering our livestock, and also all the wild game we could kill for extra food for the winter months. I was taught that a fool would not prepare. Being an American and being blessed from our GOD we have never been in starvation. I mean, I have seen hard times but nothing like what lies ahead of us in today’s world that is coming. … Thank you and GOD bless. I really enjoyed reading this article. It encouraged my day.



Prepping absolutely is biblical! Another example (especially for the ladies who are the “preppers” of the house if their husbands are not “on board”) is the “Proverbs 31 lady” (Proverbs 31:10-31).

Not only that, but those of us who are older are instructed to teach the younger women. I was blessed to have been taught by my mother and grandmother, and now I am passing that on to my own daughters and to any of the younger ladies at my church who want to learn how to prepare for their households.



If you know a hurricane is coming and you don’t prepare for it by buying extra food, water, batteries, lamp oil, board up the windows and secure the property, then you are indeed a fool. If one is aware of all that is happening in our country and the world, then it is wise to take measures to protect and provide for your family. After that, it is in God’s hands.



I do believe in preparing for what you can. But, what about the parable of the man who built storehouses to put up grain not knowing that his very life would be required of him that very night? I think the thing to balance is to not let the WORRY of not being prepared to consume your whole life.



So many modern Christians have no clue what is coming; most are victims of revisionist “history” in the schools, plus watch little or no news, and some aren’t even responsible enough to VOTE. The “Rapture mentality” has lulled a lot of the church into assuming we will suffer very little, or none…and then before the stuff hits the fan, God will rescue us. *sigh* That would be nice, but Matthew 24 and Luke 21 tell a different story.


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