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Letters To The Editor

Faraday Cage for Power Buddy?

Dear Editor,

Is the Power Buddy ( hardened against an EMP strike or would I have to keep it in a Faraday cage?

Thank you,



Dear Melissa,

It’s always advised to keep small electronics such as the Power Buddy in a Faraday cage to prevent any damage from a potential EMP.  The problem is, we really don’t know what all the results of an EMP attack would be or the damages that would ensue. I’m of the mindset that it’s better to be safe than sorry. If you can build a Faraday cage for something, do it.

Thanks for writing!

The Editor


Why the Love Affair With Things Off-Grid?


Dear Editor,

While I believe in being self-reliant, I have to confess—I enjoy modern conveniences and I really don’t want to do without them. I get the “closer to nature” philosophy that you guys push, and the need to not be so dependent on society for the basics, but seriously, I don’t want to garden for all my food, I want to have electricity and indoor plumbing, and I want to drive a car, have a phone, and watch television. Struggling to get food from the ground and raising livestock is not my idea of a quality life. I don’t understand this love affair people have with being “off grid” and wonder if you have anything for people like me?

A modern convenience junkie


Dear Modern Convenience Junkie,

Off-grid living isn’t for everyone. In any society that has existed, there have been the city dwellers and the farmers. There are vocations that some people are suited for and some are not. We don’t actually push a “closer to nature” philosophy here on Off the Grid News—we push self-reliance in whatever form you want that to take. No one said you had to be a farmer and have chickens in the back bedroom in order to be a true prepper. What you do have to do is realize that life throws us all curveballs and that at any moment, that life that you’re so used to can be gone in a moment. Self-reliance realizes that for those in an urban setting, your choices are limited. It doesn’t matter if the truckers go on strike until the cows come home or if an EMP takes out the grid… I’ll eat. Will you? I’ll have basic necessities… will you? There’s a lot more to this than just farming and indoor plumbing. It’ s a way of looking at life and being prepared, no matter what situation you find yourself in.

The simple fact is that each decision we make naturally closes doors on other choices. You just have to look at your decisions and say that yes, the trade-off you’re making is one you’re willing to gamble on and one you’re comfortable suffering the consequences for.  If you love ocean-side living, then that means you’re willing to take on the hurricanes. (It also means you’re responsible for your own insurance and getting out of harm’s way when the storm comes.) I would never second-guess any person’s choice of urban or rural living. Each of us has our individual wants, desires, and interests. The thing is, be prepared no matter where you find yourself.

Thanks for writing!

The Editor


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