Off The Grid News

Letters To The Editor

What Are the Dirty Dozen?

Dear Editor,                     

I keep hearing the term “dirty dozen” thrown around and I’m not sure what that means. I know it has something to do with fruits and vegetables and organics, but other than that, I’m in the dark. Can you tell me what these are?



Dear JD,

The “dirty dozen” refers to those fruits and vegetables that have a higher ability to absorb toxins and pesticide residue into themselves and retain these residues and toxins. This list is not static. It’s an annual report that’s put out by the Environmental Working Group each year which lists those foods which show the highest levels of retention of pesticides. For example, this year, there are 15 foods on the list. If you’d like the current 2013 list, go to

The Editor


What’s Going On With Our Country?

Dear Editor,

You can’t turn on the television anymore or log on to the Internet without some constitutional crisis showing itself. The federal, state, and local governments are pushing the limits of their authority in many ways—from 2nd amendment rights, food rights, taxes, regulations, spying—you name it. What is going on with our country and what can we do about it?



Dear Concerned,

Like you, I worry about the march toward tyranny that our governments on all levels are engaged in. And make no mistake—it is a march toward tyranny. What can we do about it? I’m not sure. At one time, I’d have said make your stand at the voting booth, but there are so many who are willing to trade liberty for security, who want to continue to benefit from the taxpayers’ largesse, and who are willing to compromise the voting process itself in order to win power, that I’m not sure that is the answer any longer. Government agencies are politically motivated and totally unjust in their application of regulations and laws. Our representatives no longer listen to the voices of the people who send them to Washington to represent them, and presidents are more beholden to an international community than this singular nation.

All I can suggest you do is prepare, get the supplies you need, and be ready to stand against tyranny wherever it may rear its ugly head. We need principled men and women, with strong backbones, to forge the future of our country.

The Editor


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