Off The Grid News

Letters To The Editor

Preparing for Civil Unrest?

Dear Editor,

With the continuing revelations of government abuse and continuing erosion of our liberties, I’m beginning to wonder if we won’t have the type of civil unrest in this country that we see overseas. What can we do to be prepared for larger-scale events like the problems we saw in Sweden (looting and burning cars) or the teen riots we saw in Philadelphia this past April?

Worried in Tennessee


Dear Worried,

Quite frankly, I’m surprised there hasn’t been more civil unrest than we’ve seen in this country, especially with the continuing scandals and Big Brother overreach of government that we hear coming out of Washington D.C. every day. And it’s not just Washington either… it seems that in state after state, these individual legislatures from the local to the state level actually think they are our lords and masters and can do pretty much what they darn well please.

Here are a few hints:

1) Make sure you have adequate supplies of emergency preps in place and make sure they’re up to date. Keep rotating stock out of your stores, inventory what you have on hand and see if you’re lacking in any essentials, and plan for any and all scenarios.

2) Stay as healthy as possible. That may sound dumb, but the simple fact is, a body that is compromised by illness or disease cannot effectively withstand the pressures put into play when public panic and outrage rears its head. Make sure your supplies include adequate nutritional supplements and medical supplies that may be needed in the event you have to dig in for days at a time while the world goes nuts around you.

3) If you have a garden or small homesteading operation, be prepared to defend it against marauders and intruders. This is why it’s so important to build community with your neighbors. A vanguard of armed citizens will be more effective against rioters and looters than sole landowners.

4) Learn to think on your feet. If you’re an urban dweller, you may need to plan on bugging out until things die down. If you live in the country, don’t be complacent and think the trouble won’t come your way. Think of all scenarios that could occur, no matter how preposterous, and then plan accordingly.

The Editor



Canning Potatoes?

Dear Editor,

Is there any particular way to can potatoes? Should I pre-cook them or raw pack them into jars? Do I need to cut them up or can I process them whole? Should they be peeled?



Dear GR,

It really depends how you want to use them. I can them several different ways to have on hand for whatever dish I may be cooking. For very small potatoes, you can plop them whole and unpeeled into the jar if you wish. The skins will easily slip off when you open the jars to use them. If you want cubed or quartered potatoes for a stew or something, then you may want to peel them, but it’s really not necessary.

The government database suggests boiling the potatoes in an ascorbic acid solution for 2 minutes to keep the potatoes from discoloring. For example, 500 mg vitamin C tablets can be used at a ratio of six tablets per gallon of water. Pour this water off, put your potatoes into prepared jars, and cover with clean boiling water. The database says the original water is too starchy to use.

However, sometimes I don’t want my potatoes quite so soft. You can cold-water soak them in an ascorbic acid solution for a few minutes and then raw pack them into jars. Ladle boiling water over them and process them at 10 lbs of pressure for 35 minutes (pints) or 40 minutes (quarts). If you live over 2,000 feet above sea level, add one pound of pressure per each 2,000 feet above that 2,000 feet threshold.

The Editor


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