Off The Grid News

Letters To The Editor

Alternative Communications?

Dear Editor,

During a disaster situation such as Hurricane Sandy or Katrina, or the tornadoes that have ripped through the United States the past several years, or any SHTF scenario, communications are one of the first things down yet the most necessary utility we need to keep up with family members and friends. What alternatives to cell phones and telephones do we have?



Dear GH,

Keeping up with family and friends is difficult even in the best of circumstances. Trying to track them down when everything is in chaos is next to impossible. However, if you’ve made contingency plans on what to do in a SHTF scenario, then there are several ways to keep in touch:

Thanks for writing!

The Editor



Setbacks for Wells and Septic Systems?

Dear Editor,

I want to put in a well close to the house. How much distance should there be between my well and my septic system?


Dear RS,

Each state has different requirements and you’ll need to contact your state department of health (or whatever department manages your wastewater and water regulations in your state). For example, in North Carolina, the state says keep a 100 ft protected area around any well. However, Wisconsin’s guidelines say keep a well 25 feet from the septic tank itself and 50 feet away from any of the field lines. Then there are state health systems that can’t tell you an answer to that question if their life depended on it.

Another consideration is the type of soil you have. For instance, if you have sandy soil, pollutants can travel faster and farther than they can in clay soils. Each area is different and it’s really not possible for me to answer your question with a definitive number that’s universal. I’d do my research carefully on this subject before deciding where to put your well. The health of your family depends on it.

Thanks for writing,

The Editor


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