Off The Grid News

Letters To The Editor

Reader Gives Cholesterol-Lowering Recipe

To read the story referenced, “Clean Your Arteries Naturally – For Pennies A Day,” click here.


Tumeric and garlic also lower cholesterol. Garlic should be eaten raw, which is easiest to do if you put it on food that is compatible with the flavor. For medicinal use, you need at least three cloves a day. Tumeric should be slightly cooked and used with a little black pepper to make it more bioavailable. “Golden milk” is an easy way to get the needed two Tbsp. that you need for cholesterol lowering. That is best made by using the recipe below:
2 tbsp. coconut oil, 2 tbsp. tumeric powder, 1/4 tsp. ground black pepper, 3 cups coconut milk and honey to taste.

To prepare, put coconut oil, tumeric and black pepper in a saucepan over low heat and simmer together for 3 or 4 minutes stirring constantly. Stir in coconut milk and continue to cook until hot but not boiling. Add raw local honey to taste and enjoy a cup. You should drink three cups a day.

With these two things, I lowered my cholesterol from the mid-300s to 110 in less than two months.


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