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Letters To The Editor

Regarding: Do you support a constitutional convention (Convention of States) that would have a stated goal of limiting the federal government? (Send additional emails to editor@

I was reading your article about a Constitutional Convention. Here is the major question that needs to asked of the people that oppose this and I don’t care how conservative you are. How do you get anymore “rogue” than what our criminal and tyrannical Federal Government is right now because I don’t think it is possible?

I think that the states can show a lot more restraint in putting forth laws that would actually help our Nation unlike what we have seen coming from the scum rat Communists in both Parties in D.C.! I say both Parties but I really mean the one party system we now have in D.C. Does anybody out there see any difference in the so-called two party system that we have had? Something has to happen drastically in our Nation if we are going to save “HER” and I think the Constitutional Convention is the one and only catalyst that can save us from the traitors we have up there in D.C.! Oh, by the way they should all be arrested up there for violating their oath of office to protect and defend the Constitution of The United States of America and its people.



I’ve been a proponent for a Convention of States for some years. I live in Texas and a person would think Texas would be leading the charge, not so. Very little actual political force up until now for a COS. I surely hope the 10th Amendment to the Constitution is included so it can be elevated to its rightful place.



Please let me know what I can do to help make this constitutional convention happen. We the people MUST act to bring the feds back in line and adhere to a constitution of the people, by the people and for the people. I can do direct mail; phone bank; news conferences; donations all at my expense. I want to help.



Of course I would support a Constitutional Convention. It’s constitutional, unlike so many other things happening today. I think we need more of this kind of action and less hand wringing and fear-mongering. Doing what we have the moral right to do is what created this country, so why should we now sit on our hands and do nothing? States have a right to convene, period.



I absolutely would not support a Constitutional Convention. I think it is far too risky. The problem with Washington is they do what they want regardless of the letter of the law, much less the spirit. Our problem is corruption, and a high-jacked Federal Government determined to take away our rights. I would rather try every other avenue available including but not limited to nullification, secession, protest, non-compliance, and revolt.



It is extremely worrisome considering all of the directions this convention could go.  However, we need to make some dramatic changes.  I support the repeal of two amendments and the addition of one.  I believe the combination of the 16th and 17th Amendments are what made possible this out-of-control federal government.

We should return to funding the federal government through the states and apportioned by state populations.

We should once again allow state governments to have oversight of federal legislation and authority by allowed state legislatures to choose Senators.

We should add an amendment that would require all elected officials to fully complete the term of office they sought, before they could seek another.  No holding one office while campaigning for another.  No consecutive terms in any office.  Make them all true citizen legislators by requiring them to return home after a single term!



I would favor this if I could trust the people involved 100 percent. I do not feel that will ever happen, in today’s lack of moral actions at all levels of leadership.



There are allot of reasons why a con-con is a really bad idea. I will list a few.

1. The government does not respect the constitution as it is and would certainly not abide by any amendments.

2. A convention would certainly run away and we could end up with a soviet style constitution.

3. We cannot control who goes to a convention. Do we trust liberal progressives (both democrats and republicans) to do anything that is good for the nation or the people. NO!

4. History – The last convention was called to revise the articles of confederation. The founders threw it away and created our present constitution, they also changed the rules for ratification. They were honorable statesmen. Can we expect politicians to do the honorable thing today? NO! That’s why we call them politicians and not statesmen.



A Constitutional Convention at this time is not a workable solution to the political situation we are experiencing.

Like some Federal legislation, as recently revealed by Matt Taibbi regarding finance legislation that basically approved anything any financial corporation wanted to do (see his last article for Rolling Stone magazine), any such convention is most likely to end in disaster.

We already have a de-facto tyranny that Mussolini would have drooled over.  We’d be likely to end up with a “legal” one as well.

Legislation such as “Read the Bills Act” and “Write the Bills Act,” as put forward by Downsize DC are more rational.

The truth is that taking back the government requires action and responsibility at a local level FIRST.  Just as one doesn’t want “top down” rules from the Feds to each individual, so each individual needs to look around and take more responsibility for where they are.

Non-cooperation also works, as long as one doesn’t directly violate the laws.



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