Off The Grid News

Letters To The Editor

Homesteading Doesn’t Require Much Money?

It doesn’t have to cost a lot of money to live off the grid. And if it’s done right to begin with, it won’t. All a person really needs to do is get out from under the traditional way of life and save money. Live with a parent, a friend, or in a tent in someone’s backyard. Be frugal and conserve. With the average job you can save enough in a year to buy a sizeable piece of land. We are living in a travel trailer that we scraped to buy outright with cash. We had to sell nearly everything we had to get it. We are living in it next to my parent’s garage. Thankfully it’s in a spot that’s kind of hidden. But still being close to the road, we worry about troublemakers. The idea is to get through a year’s time to save our money. Once we get the land of our choosing, we will move it on there. And it will be hidden away from all busy bodies. And even better it will be far away from town with a lot of trees. It’s my thinking to either find land with an old barn or just build one. Put the camper inside. And nobody will know it’s there. Not even spy satellites. Then we can homestead without worrying about building a home first. It’s smarter to establish a WAY of life before building a home.


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