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Book Review: Deliberate Life

I do not usually suggest anyone buy very expensive items—especially books. In a way it almost defeats the purpose of living a life less extravagant. However, in this case, I feel compelled to review a book for you that is worth the hefty price tag. Deliberate Life, by Nicole Faires, is as hefty in content as it is in price. Some of the extra price is due to the fact that it is self-published through LULU. Many homestead authors, and even “official” homestead places, choose to self-publish their material for several reasons, the main one being to bypass the official censorship and cutting that big publishing houses often shackle their authors with. There’s enough to this large book to make it worth the price though.

Deliberate Life is especially helpful for those who have lived a “city life” all their lives and have no actual experience in the basics at all. This includes a very large number of people who really want to live a healthier, more down-to-earth, and spiritual lifestyle, but may not know how to get started. It has everything in it from making bread and storing food to even making beautiful linen cloth from unusual sources as stinging nettle.

For the beginner and even the more experienced homesteader, there are some very interesting entries including how to raise water buffalo and make solar ovens. Nothing in the book is fluff. It’s all about getting the most out of your chosen lifestyle. Something that I find truly interesting about this book that is different from many homesteading books is that absolutely NOTHING in this book that contains any projects or information that requires any outside-purchased materials. Take, for instance, the linen section: Certainly you can make fine linen from many materials that are easier to process, but finding such interesting choices as nettle to make the thread to produce linens requires a very active imagination and determination. These are the things that make you truly independent, however. If you have to go to the store to get the supplies to be self-sufficient, have you really accomplished your goal? I’m not saying it’s bad to use any materials from outside sources. Sometimes it’s easier. Sometimes you just want to, or even have to, but the more you can do without buying materials, the more self-sufficient you really are.

If you’re looking for a story or just a cookbook, this isn’t the book for you. But if you want a lot of serious “how-to” information, then go to and check out Deliberate Life for yourself. It has 422 pages packed with fantastic information. It is easy to follow and has many excellent illustrations to guide you through the steps of more complicated processes. Make it a must have on your homesteading library shelves.

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