Off The Grid News

How To Go From NYC To Off-Grid In Montana

scheben and bearNew York City is a long way from rural Montana, not only geographically but also culturally.

Yet it’s a journey that city boy-turned-homesteader Rich Scheben successfully made, and on this week’s edition of Off The Grid Radio, Scheben shares his inspiring story of how a boy who grew up in the Big Apple ended up becoming so self-sufficient in the Big Sky State that he now gives off-grid advice to others.

Scheben tell us:

Scheben also recounts how his path from city living to homesteading included a detour in the pharmaceutical industry – and how it opened his eyes to the greedy ways the drug companies operate. Scheben’s views of medicine have changed dramatically, and he shares what homesteaders should do to stay healthy the all-natural way.

Listen as one of the country’s most outspoken homesteaders speaks his mind and shares survival tips you need!

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