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How To Make A Living On A 5-Acre Farm

Josh Volk

Many homesteaders wrongly believe they must have a big farm – and hundreds or thousands of acres – to make a living off their land.

But this week’s guest on Off The Grid Radio says that with only five acres and a little bit of patience and work, any homesteader can transform their land into a compact farm and a career.

His name is Josh Volk, and his book — “Compact Farms: 15 Proven Plans for Market Farms on 5 Acres or Less” — profiles people who have made a career out of their small farms.

Josh give us an overview on what he discovered, including:


Finally, Josh gives us ideas on where the produce from a compact farm can be sold. (Hint: It’s not simply at a farmers’ market.)

We learned a lot from talking to Josh … and you will, too!