Off The Grid News

A Radiant Face

His face had become radiant because he has spoken to the Lord.

            Exodus 34:29

Most of us know the story of Moses receiving the Ten Commandments from God. Moses spent forty days in the presence of the Lord, receiving not only the Commandments etched in stone but other teachings and commandments as well. While he was there, Moses gained a deeper understanding of the Lord God; once he returned, he knew he was a different man. What he did not know was that his face showed a difference as well. His face was radiant, literally glowing, with from being in the presence of God. The Israelites around him were terrified at first until he reassured them, giving them the commands of God. Every time he returned to visit with the Lord, his face glowed; he kept it covered with a veil when he returned to the Israelites so they would not be afraid.

Imagine for a moment what our lives would be like if others could see an outward sign that we had been in communion with God. Would we live differently? The reality is that it can be very apparent. Although our faces may not glow, we definitely take on a shine. The more time we spend with God, the more our spirits take on a glow; it is one we cannot help share with others. God’s glory easily shines through us and others cannot help but notice. We are living, breathing missionaries for Christ even though we may never leave the city where we live. When we spend regular time with God, He changes us, and our radiance can become captivating.

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