Off The Grid News

Do Not Work Alone

The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.”

            Genesis 2:18

I recently had the opportunity to watch a group of 8-12 year olds as they practiced worship dance. They had taken a song; broke it into parts and each small group choreographed their portion of the dance. After that, they put the whole thing together with transitional steps added between each small part. Towards the end, they joined together and completed a dance of joy, worship, and prayer. It was a beautiful, awe inspiring moment and it reminded me of how we should live our lives.

There is no doubt we can create wonderful things by ourselves. We have the ability to do almost anything when we put our minds to it. But, when we invite others to work with us, we have the ability to make our ordinary efforts extraordinary. Just as the girls increased the beauty of their dance when they joined together, so do we enhance the splendor of our works when we work with others.

God has grace us with the gift of relationships. In fact, he designed us knowing we would work better if we had others in our lives. We truly are not meant to be alone. Even in the midst of creating the entire world, God created man and realized he needed a help mate. He knew Adam was capable of managing by himself; but, He also knew he would be happier and much more content with someone by His side.

Take the time to invite others into your life. Worship with them, fellowship with them, share burdens with them and support them as they will support you. The world is lonely enough as it is. Why walk the difficult road alone when you can have a companion along the way?

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