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Looking Beyond The Surface

Look beneath the surface so you can judge correctly.
John 7:24

It’s that time again. Our televisions, radios, and internet browsers are filled to the brim with political ads. They scream out mixed messages of despair and hope, loss and gain, dishonesty and trust. Both sides claim the positive connotations and try to derail their opponents credibility. In the midst of all of this, we are supposed to make a determination of who we can potentially trust to lead us. We will hear a whole lot of details and a very little of the entire picture. But, we cannot, cannot lose sight of the fact that as the voters, we have a huge responsibility to pay attention to the world around us and vote on facts.

John cautions us on taking the time to discern. During this portion of scripture, Jesus is accused of breaking holy law by healing a man on the Sabbath. He replies to the crowd by reminding them that they circumcise on the Sabbath simply because that tradition was passed down from Moses and argues that healing the entire body of a man is even more important. He reminds those learning about God’s expectations for humanity must be in line with His will.

Every decision we make, should be judged through the lens of God and not of our own or the society’s. We are instructed to always, always, look beyond to the heart of the matter. Just as we want others to view us with understanding and compassion, so should we also view them.