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We Love

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“We love, because God first loved us.”

               — Children’s’ Worship Song

Several weeks ago, I ran across a recording of my daughter singing in a children’s choir as they sang the children’s worship song, ‘We Love’. There is always something beyond precious in hearing those tiny angelic voices join together to sing praises; but, this particular song touched me in a different way. This time of year brings love to the forefront. We see it in every store we enter and hear it all over the radio. This song though brings to forefront the reason we celebrate it – we love because God first loved us.

Humans are born to love; we make connections, enjoy each other’s company, and simply respond better to life when there are others to love. Our entire beings are created to give and receive love and true development cannot occur without that emotion. From the earliest moments in our lives, the healthiest are those who are cuddled, and told regularly they are loved. As we progress to adulthood, we still need that affirmation.

Frances Chan recently said, “Do you know that nothing you do in this life will ever matter, unless it is about loving God and loving the people He has made.” We were designed to love. More importantly, we are called to shower others with love. We do so not because we enjoy it (although that is often a wonderful side effect); no, we do it because God loved us first and the best way we can praise Him is by showing others that love.