Simple techniques and proper planning will almost always win out against even such heavyweights as firepower and willpower. The reason is understandable—simplicity. Because it is easy to remember, easy to carry out, and easy to communicate the concepts, they will be easier to implement in stressful defensive situations. Not all defensive situations will get to the point of stressful interaction, however, if the proper amount and type of planning is utilized. The singular goal of any defensive posture is to avoid completely the situation which will present imminent danger and stress. An essential building block in the defense planning arena is to understand the risks that will be faced and to understand how to mitigate them. Notice the word “mitigate” was used and not “minimize.” The goal is to completely disarm the chance of risk through proper technique and preparedness.
Sure it would be cool to be a black belt Brazilian jiu-jitsu master or have a ton of Delta Force training, but a vast majority of those reading this site would most likely rather avoid hand-to-hand combat or having to kill someone in defense of their family, property, or life than to have to perform those actions. It’s important to remember that when in defense postures, the goal is life preservation, not the opposite. Guns and lethal force are considered an essential component to an overall defensive and self-sustaining lifestyle, but they are not the only component.
Simple techniques developed to incredible levels by military and law enforcement can be of huge importance in a situation which may be physiologically, psychologically, or emotionally disturbing. These types of techniques have been proven in battlefields and significant stress positions throughout the years and can bring a peace of mind and surety in capabilities that few firearms or lethal offensive equipment can. Use them in combination with the equipment and training already in your possession to add confidence and realistic upgrades to your overall defensive portfolio. Some easy techniques are listed below.
The military uses 9mm on most of their side arms. This was implemented in part to help avoid concerns on the battlefield of running out of ammunition. Choosing a cartridge utilized around the world made the chances greater that fallen enemies would have usable ammunition for empty magazines to use.
Assume that the mainstream public will make decisions based on the information within the mainstream channels. For example, most people will be using calibers and guns which are widely available and widely talked about. You might see more people using a 9mm handgun for home defense than say a .357 Sig. Now, most ballistics experts will explain that the .357 Sig is an incredibly dynamic cartridge, but they must also admit it is much harder to find than a 9mm cartridge.
Why does this matter? If you are in a bad situation and need to scavenge for ammunition, you may be able to find a 9mm easier than a .357 Sig round. It may be the determining factor when you go to buy a gun. Should you spend five hundred dollars on a quality 9mm and a bit of ammo to help carry you through extended situations of need or should you choose that .357 Sig instead? You will likely be in a better position by having a 9mm gun, even if it is your primary defense weapon, should extended turmoil exist in the future. One might argue that stopping power is king, but stopping power means nothing if you’ve run out of ammo. It’s a thought, not an order. Make sense of these simple techniques and why they are used to gain insight for your planning. You may be a fan of the .45 ACP, but that won’t counteract the fact that the 9mm is one of the most popular cartridges of all time. Think about your worst case scenario when planning.
Technique 2: Use Your Surroundings to Your Advantage
Military and law enforcement use what is already in the human DNA: the desire to get out of the way of flying deadly objects. Utilizing buildings, a vehicle, or the surroundings to avoid flying bullets, rocks, or Molotov cocktails is a technique used daily in the conflicts that take place around the globe, and for good reason.
This technique is very simple, but most of the importance should be paid to prior planning. Understanding the scenarios you are most likely to be using during a defensive situation will help you to recall which areas to move to for avoidance of dangerous situations.
Knowing how things are constructed can help to avoid dangerous situations from a hurricane to flying bullets. Did you know a phone book can stop a .22LR bullet without too much effort? Now it’s readily apparent that the scenario in which you will find yourself holding a phone book while someone shoots at you with a .22 LR is few and far between, but the ideology is still important. This might show how a car can help absorb and deflect a .38 Special bullet, or how a carbon-fiber canoe could be used to avoid debris flying at 50+ MPH. Understanding the building techniques and materials in a given item or building could help you to avoid issues in an uncomfortable situation.
Technique 3: Communication and Similar Training
The military makes training programs uniform across the board within a given branch. All Army Rangers get the same training; all enlisted soldiers get the same training; all Navy Seals get the same training. This has its purpose: if they all know what to do in the worst case scenario, they will be able to assist their fellow soldiers, at any level of threat, with the same techniques.
What is a practical usage for the average citizen? Use multiple family members to help watch and listen for threats, help to assess threat risk, and perform the same basics you can, so you may focus on other parts of the defensive strategy. This requires some training to help those family members or friends to understand and be able to use the techniques or help in meaningful ways. You will lower your risk exposure and have more engaged, useful people supporting your defensive goals.
Simple communication and observation can serve a vital role in maintaining safety and proactively being able to react to potentially dangerous situations.
Technique 5: Utilizing Positioning to Your Advantage
Military and law enforcement use this technique in an incredible amount of situations. When they approach an aggressive individual, they attempt to remove objects like weapons or distractions before they engage, and they maintain distance to contain the situation and avoid having the tables turned on them. They utilize a safe distance and effective understanding of the environment to avoid injury and risk. If there is a life threatening risk, an officer will draw their weapon in preparation prior to engaging. The officer will also never come close enough to a person of threatening posture with a weapon drawn until the person is in a position such that they will not be able to take their weapon away.
Multiple officers at different distances will work together to subdue an aggressive target. Distance, combined with cool, calm thinking, can go a long way to diffuse a situation, if you have already found yourself in one.
Though many macho men might contend that you should engage any threat that comes your way and resolve the threat or make it known that you are in charge of your territory, it may not always be the best route. Use positioning only when an encounter cannot be avoided. Avoid all potentially dangerous scenarios, as you do not know the capabilities of the others involved and who they have waiting back at their base camp to come and raid you. Remember being defensive is almost always better than being on the offensive.
Technique 6: Disinformation
Military and law enforcement agencies have used different forms of disinformation to diffuse volatile situations for many years. Telling someone what they want to hear, or combining false information with proper planning can keep your stored food, the location to your hidden entryway, or the water bottles in the back of your car from being obtained. It’s truly a combination of techniques—proper planning and then a plausible answer to any number of questions could get you out of a rough situation. Of course if you can avoid confrontation and face-to-face interaction with threats, you should. This technique is an excellent choice, assuming you can pull it off, when you are forced into interaction or confrontation.
If you get caught lying to a hostile aggressor, you may be elevating the situation’s threat level however, so make sure you can think on your feet and have all the right answers. Be diligent in protecting your reserves and make sure that your group is all on the same page. In bad situations, it may be more advantageous for an aggressor to leave to seek food, shelter, water, or guns elsewhere. If you can maintain a calm nerve during confrontation and keep your mind sharp for the best decisions, then you will have the advantage.
These techniques may not fit in your situation, but they can’t hurt to know. You will need to determine which techniques are a right fit for you, and make sure to embrace those that will have the biggest positive impact.
Using defensive techniques will almost always outweigh the effectiveness of those from an offensive posture. They are safer, better thought out, and simpler to enact in stressful environments. Don’t forget that preparation is the key, and always make sure you are communicating your wishes to your group/family, or they may not be able to help you implement the program when it counts.
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