Written by Doug Tjaden and republished with permission. Throughout his political career, Barack Obama has intentionally modeled himself after President Abraham Lincoln. He uses a similar style of rhetoric, and has gone so far as to adopt some of Lincoln’s ...
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Derringer: A Unique Concealed Carry Gun
Derringers, the tiny handguns that some people tend to view as no more than a novelty in the gun world, are often thought of as too small, too underpowered, and having a limited capacity. It’s easy to see why people ...
Read More »Homeschoolers That Make Us Go Wow!
Pick a stereotype: political renegade, religious extremist, social hermit, or misfit. You’ve probably heard all of these names unfairly applied to homeschoolers at some point. Homeschooling families have long known these stereotypes have little to do with reality, but inaccurate ...
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