If you look around the internet these days, you might get confused about whether it’s better to be bugging-out or bugging-in should a disaster strike. It seems like most of the big name preppers are recommending bugging-out, rather than staying ...
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Why Mexico May Be The Best ‘Bug-Out Location’ You’ve Never Considered
A bug-out plan is something that every seasoned prepper has, but developing a good bug-out plan is another thing entirely. For most of us, the hardest part of that is coming up with a place to go, in the case ...
Read More »Why ‘Living Off The Land’ Won’t Work When Society Collapses
As the survivalist movement has grown, I’ve heard more and more people talk about bugging out and living off the land. On one hand, I can understand that. We tend to identify with the pioneering spirit that settled this land and fueled ...
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