You’ve put a great deal of effort into making your product or service as attractive as possible to your potential customers. They like it, they understand how much they’ll benefit from it, and they can even afford it. But they still won’t close the deal and commit to buying it. Why not? Consumers worry about making the wrong decision, wasting their money, or not receiving exactly what they paid for. In these cases, a powerful guarantee can help close the sale. Guarantees remove the risk...
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Your House List: One of Your Most Valuable Business Assets
Building a solid customer list could be the single most important thing you do to market your business. This list – called a “house list” – should be completely opt-in, containing only those people that want to hear from you, such as past customers and those who subscribe to receive communications from you. Everyone on your house list is, in one way or another, interested in what you have to sell. They’ve either already purchased from you, or are thinking about purchasing from you...
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