It is a lot of fun to let nature take its course and have your hens hatch out a bunch of fuzzy, adorable chicks. However, if you are relying on those eggs to hatch, sometimes it is best to give ...
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Raising Free-Range Chickens
Raising your chickens on open grass has several benefits, the first of which is that your production costs will be far less because the birds are eating grass and bugs, and you won’t be buying grains. Another advantage is that ...
Read More »Don’t Give the Chickens the Season Off: Get Eggs in the Winter Using Heat and Light
If you depend on your chickens for your family’s eggs, winter can be a tough time. Chickens, especially the breeds created to be dynamic egg-layers, will still produce to some degree during the winter, but the numbers will be far lower than what you got used to during warm weather. More of the chicken’s energy is going toward keeping them warm, and their production is also linked heavily toward the day’s light cycles.
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