Keeping your backyard flock happy is pretty simple and is the best way to ensure a plentiful supply of nutrient-rich eggs and plump meat chickens. Some homesteaders are choosing to grow their own poultry feed in order to cut down ...
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3 Problems You Better Solve Before Raising A Mixed Flock
There is nothing quite as picturesque as a farmyard setting with chickens, ducks and perhaps a turkey or two wandering around. Unfortunately, a mixed flock may be more trouble than it’s worth. If you’re considering keeping different species of fowl ...
Read More »Getting Started With Homemade Egg Incubators
Chances are if you have considered keeping a backyard flock that you also have thought about hatching your own chicks. Being able to maintain a controlled breeding program can mean a great deal to a homestead birding operation. Commercial incubators ...
Read More »3 Reasons Your Flock Needs A Rooster (And 3 Reasons It Doesn’t)
You may not need a rooster for eggs, but adding a handsome cockerel to your flock may bring some advantages to your homestead you haven’t considered. I believe that keeping a rooster has many more pros than cons. Here are ...
Read More »Breaking Down Aggressive Chicken Behavior
Chickens are the backbone of the homesteading food supply. They are a great source of healthy protein in both meat and eggs. Chickens are easy to care for, generally hardy, and can even be quite affectionate. These attributes often make ...
Read More »Training A Livestock Guardian Dog
Dogs have long been providing us human beings with innumerable services. Humans have been selectively breeding dogs for thousands and thousands of years to get different types that can do certain jobs for us. We have dogs that are bred ...
Read More »Family Dogs vs. Farm Dogs: What Breeds Make the Best Livestock Helpers
If you have livestock, they are at constant risk when you are not around. That’s just a fact. The animals we raise for our own meat are also high on the list of predator’s meal selections. They are prey animals by nature and not very good at fighting off the attacks of predatory animals. In the wild, the best defense a prey animal has against its attackers is flight, but we take the ability to run away from them when we put them behind fences.
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