If the king fails to live up to his promise he can lose his right to rule by breaking the compact….Arbitrary rule, despotism, and tyranny amount to a material breach of the promise. —Gary Amos on Lex Rex, Defending the ...
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Jezebel: Painted Politician And Pluralist
In a moment of irritation I insisted that the historic Jezebel was not particularly wicked and was, if anything, a good wife. —Elijah Baley in Isaac Asimov’s Caves of Steel (1954) She was a powerful, complex woman whose courage and ...
Read More »Jezebel: Painted Politician And Pluralist
In a moment of irritation I insisted that the historic Jezebel was not particularly wicked and was, if anything, a good wife. —Elijah Baley in Isaac Asimov’s Caves of Steel (1954) She was a powerful, complex woman whose courage and ...
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