August 9, 2012 Natural health physician and founder Dr. Joseph Mercola wants you to learn from his personal experiences with raw milk and how you can apply it to all health recommendations you receive. Previous Video
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How To Make Homemade Yogurt
Yogurt is a dairy product, and like all dairy products, it comes from milk—in this case, milk that has been fermented by bacteria known as yogurt cultures. Milk from many different species of ruminant are used around the world to ...
Read More »Keeping a Milk Cow
So you’ve started your homestead, you’re living off the land, at least partly, and you have begun to invest in animals. Maybe you have a goat or two, some rabbits, or chicken. It might be time to think about cows. ...
Read More »California Releases Health Enforcers Door to Door to Confiscate Raw Milk Products
The police state is alive and well in Los Angeles and San Diego counties in California. Health department employees are going door to door, threatening and intimidating raw milk customers into voluntarily turning over raw milk products they own and ...
Read More »To Pasteurize or Not to Pasteurize: How to Prepare and Store Fresh Milk
Pasteurizing milk is essentially sterilizing it to get rid of any bacteria present. There is a great deal of debate over whether milk is safe to drink “raw,” as in unpasteurized, and many self-sufficiency advocate drinking raw milk because they say it is healthier than pasteurized milk. In fact, the two are nearly identical, and pasteurized milk also tends to last longer because the reason milk spoils is due to a buildup of bacteria.
Read More »Goat Cheese: Small Scale Production
Goats are an extremely versatile animal on a small homestead. They are easy to keep in small spaces (where a cow would be impossible), cheaper to feed, and produce large volumes of milk that can be used for drinking, cooking, ...
Read More »Fresh Milk on Tap: Goats for Home Milk Production
There are many uses for milk. Along with drinking, it is a necessary ingredient in many recipes and is required to make cheeses, yogurt, and other foods. Having a self-sustained supply of milk is invaluable on a small homestead, but ...
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