In a case that has garnered worldwide attention, a Canadian man, David Stephan, will spend four months in jail because he treated his son with a natural remedy instead of taking him to the hospital. Stephan’s wife, Collet, avoided jail ...
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‘Tis the Season for the Flu
Unless and until you have experienced the flu, it is actually easy to minimize it. Think of how often you’ve heard someone say that they have or had the flu and thought he or she was exaggerating when using descriptions ...
Read More »Natural Remedies for Stomach Flu
The stomach flu—you know, that queasy, rolling in the gut that sneaks up on you and makes you run for that little room. We have all suffered from it before and probably will again. So do you run for the Pepto? Well, maybe not. Over-the-counter remedies will not address the root problem, as they only treat the symptoms. Yes, this makes you feel better for the moment, but it lengthens your recovery time, often by days!
Read More »Curative Properties of Carrots
It has been said, and I know not by whom, that medicine in the future will be preventative rather than remedial, based on the best diet for our health, not on drugs. This article will explore this issue in relation ...
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