Despite all the hype about the budget battle and sequestration cuts in Washington, federal spending is still completely out of control. The Heritage Foundation now estimates that federal spending has increased by 40% since 2002. The growth in spending will ...
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What All Treasury Bond Investors Must Know!
A complete collapse in the value of US treasury bonds is likely in the near future. Such a crash could have a catastrophic effect on the US economy. Among other things, it could raise interest rates on mortgages and loans, ...
Read More »Signs the “End of America” Is Nearing
It seems as though we've finally arrived at the point of no return. Anyone who lends the U.S. government a penny at this point is simply suicidal. And you don't have to guess about this, either. Listen to the market. It's trying hard to tell you something very important... I keep getting subscriber e-mails asking me what good it is to buy stocks when the U.S. dollar will soon be destroyed, taking the value of most equities with it. This question is a better one now than it's ever been in my lifetime.
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