The Environmental Protection Agency is not protecting underground drinking water supplies from oilfield contamination and in several instances has allowed companies actually to dump wastewater into aquifers, the US Government Accountability Office (GAO) says in a new report. The ...
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Revealed: The Real Reason Behind Those Oklahoma Earthquakes
Fracking is causing earthquakes in Oklahoma and other states, scientists from the US Geological Survey (USGS), the University of Colorado, the Oklahoma Geological Laboratory and Lawrence Berkley Laboratory have determined. A new paper published in the journal Science states that ...
Read More »This State Let 3 Billion Gallons Of Chemicals Contaminate Water Wells
California state officials knowingly let oil and gas drillers dump 3 billion gallons of wastewater from fracking into underground aquifers that supply both irrigation and drinking water in the state’s San Joaquin Valley – a move that has both sides ...
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