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Could This ‘Powerhouse’ Essential Oil Replace Your Doctor?

Image source: thesleuthjournal

Image source: thesleuthjournal

If there’s one oil you should start using, it’s oregano oil. The benefits are simply numerous.

There are a handful of ways to consume it, and countless ways it can improve your health and wellness. Made from the oregano plant, oregano oil comes from distilling the leaves with steam. What comes out it so potent, it’s considered to have more therapeutic benefits than any other oil. It’s antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal, meaning that it fights all kinds of bugs that threaten your health.

1. Benefits to your body

If you’re tired of being stuffed up and having a sniffling nose, putting a few drops of oregano oil into a vaporizer can solve your problems. If you’ve got a sore throat or stomach pain, you can drink a few drops, dissolved in juice or something tasty. Be warned: Oregano oil doesn’t taste good on its own because it’s so strong, but it can certainly deliver results. Or, you can simply opt to purchase the oil already diluted. Menstrual cramps, allergies, and gastrointestinal problems can all be helped by drinking a few drops, too.

Oregano oil’s antiviral, antifungal, and antibacterial properties fight symptoms of food poisoning, like listeria, E. coli, and salmonella, as well as parasites, yeast infections, urinary tract infections, and respiratory problems. Oregano oil can consistently fight bacteria just as well, or better than, conventional medicines. Not only is it over-the-counter and multi-purpose, but it won’t lose its power over increasingly tolerant bacteria.

2. Benefits to your hair

While taking oregano orally can help with so many health complaints, using it topically on your scalp can prevent dandruff. By mixing it with another oil, like olive oil, jojoba or coconut oil, you can create the perfect antidote to your scalp problems.

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You can also just add some to your shampoo bottle for the same effects. Generally, a 3:1 ratio of carrier oil to oregano oil does the trick. Used once a week, you’ll start seeing results in no time.

3. Benefits to your skin

Oregano oil can kill fungi on fingernails and toenails when applied topically. It can also fight cold sores. Because of its anti-aging properties, it can be used with face cream, day and night, and as a hand cream, when mixed with coconut oil or other carrier oil. It’s not proven yet, but there are tests that suggest it can treat psoriasis, too. It shouldn’t be applied to broken skin because it may cause irritation, but it can be applied topically to relieve muscle and joint pain, and symptoms of arthritis.

4. Other household uses

Oregano oil is good for more than just your hair, skin and insides. It works great as a toothpaste, killing the bacteria that cause bad breath. It will even dull the pain of a toothache. It might sound crazy, but oregano oil will even repel insects. Next time you want to sit outside on your patio furniture, try placing a few drops around your chairs.

5. Benefits for your dog

People are realizing the benefits of oregano oil to canine health too, because of its antibacterial properties. Just as it can fight respiratory and intestinal issues in you and your family, it can fight them in your dog.

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Rover’s skin and hair problems can be addressed by oregano oil, too. You wouldn’t ordinarily share medicine with the family pet, but with oregano there’s no concern. Arthritis, muscle pain, vomiting and digestive problems, yeast infections, and other infections can all be treated by oregano oil, for yourself and your dog alike.


Due to the potency of the oil, it’s recommended that you don’t subject yourself to extended use because it can affect good bacteria as well as bad. Oregano oil is good for treating things on a short-term basis: generally a week to a week-and-a-half.

It’s not for pregnant or nursing mothers, or for small children. Adults with heart conditions and blood pressure problems should also avoid oregano oil. People who are allergic to oregano, or the herbs in its family, including mint and basil, should also steer clear.

Oregano oil is great because it treats a myriad of ailments, for nearly everyone in your home. So the next time you’re feeling ill, in just about any way, instead of waiting to see a doctor, paying for expensive medicines, and exposing yourself to harsh chemicals, consider oregano oil for your health concerns. Once it’s in your home, you’ll see how useful it is. You’ll wonder how you ever survived without it.

How do you use oregano oil? Share your tips in the section below:

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